Tuesday, March 15, 2011

March Family Picnic

Our family enjoyed the beautiful day last weekend by having a picnic.


Gorgeous day! 


We were so thankful to have all our family together.  It is getting harder with all the activities that the grandkids are involved in each weekend.  I prepared some salads and desserts ahead of time and Steve grilled for us.   Some played washers, the kids biked, played basketball and baseball, explored the woods and just generally played around.  James was often the center of attention, entertaining us with his smiles and play.  Following are some photos of our evening:

Alexander collage  3-12-11

Hodge collage 3-12-11

Hollon collage 3-12-11

They will all be back for Easter.   I can’t wait for our scavenger hunt with the grandkids!

1 comment:

  1. We had so much fun! Great pics Mom! Can't wait for Easter!
