Sunday, May 22, 2011

Kylie at 11 years

I took some photos of Kylie on her 11th birthday and just wanted to share.  She is a beautiful girl inside and out.

Kylie Age 11 5-13-11-02Kylie Age 11 5-13-11-11Kylie Age 11 5-13-11-06Kylie Age 11 5-13-11-12Kylie Age 11 5-13-11-18

Papa and I are enjoying you so much as you grow into a young lady.  We pray you continue to trust in God and look to Him for wisdom.

1 comment:

  1. You caught me at a good time. Love to you all and best wishes. I so wish that I could be feel this way more often but I am cursed with extreme periods of dispair and depression. I used to have immense faith and hope to find it again. Thank you for your post.
