Monday, January 25, 2010

Shauna, Happy Birthday to You!

Shauna BD 2010 4x6

Here’s wishing you a especially great birthday!  These days the kids birthdays seem to take center stage, but we want you to know that your Dad and I are thinking special thoughts of you today.  It was fun that you were able to visit your birthplace this past summer and you then realized how remote the healthcare situation was in that area of Colorado.  You were lucky you weren’t born in a mountain canyon in a snowstorm!  As is my habit lately the following are some things we find special about you:

  • you are our go-to girl – we can always depend on you
  • you have a discerning and gentle spirit
  • you have the gift of Godly counseling
  • you are a wonderful mother and devoted wife
  • you are as beautiful on the inside as you are on the outside
  • you have a quiet strength and determination
  • you have a great love and fear of the Lord that results in your unwavering trust in Him

We love you and are eternally thankful for God gifting us with you.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Steve’s Squirrel Feeder

Steve built a squirrel feeder and put it up before Christmas.  He had brought ears of field corn home from his brother’s farm in Kansas. Squirrel Feeder 1-10 He puts new corn up every few days and there are sometimes two squirrels eating at a time.  Such small things give us empty-nesters pleasure…

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Mighty Hunter

Our son-in-law, David Hollon, has taken up hunting lately.  He has always enjoyed shooting, but has had the opportunity to hunt on a friend’s deer lease.  He shot a deer in December and recently went bowhunting and the following photos show the successful result.

David bowhunting collage 1-10

Looking forward to seeing some mounted deer heads in your living room soon Melissa!

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Congratulations Korrey!

We had three weddings last Saturday, but only could make it to one.  We enjoyed the wedding in Waco of the youngest daughter of long-time friends, Glenn and Lou Miller.  We have been friends since graduate school in New Mexico, more than 30 years.

Korrey-Glenn Miller 1-9-10

This is a photo of Korrey and her dad.  I tried my best to get a photo of Glenn and Lou together, but they were so busy hosting and visiting that I was unsuccessful.  May God bless the marriage of Korrey and her new husband, Taylar.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Upward Cobras #5

We have our eye on #5.  He’s our grandson, Ty Hodge, who is playing Upward basketball for the first time.  He plays on the Cobras, co-coached by his dad, and is on a 1st and 2nd grade team.  This past Saturday was his first game and he was excited that his team won and that he scored several points.

Ty Upward BB 2010 collage

Ty is a very good player and we love his intensity.  We look forward to watching his games throughout this season.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Once In A Blue Moon

This December 31st was not only famous for it’s blue moon, but was also Steve’s birthday.  Steve has a New Year’s Eve birthday and as he always notes “there is always a party somewhere” on his birthday.  This year we took a little overnight trip to one of our favorite Texas cities, San Antonio.  We were treated to a beautiful 76 degree day on his birthday.  The Taylor’s joined us for the trip and we enjoyed the Riverwalk, a movie, Papacitos Mexican food, and fabulous fireworks to ring in the New Year.

New Year's Eve 09 collage Steve BD 09 collage

We pray that 2010 begins as well as 2009 ended.  Hope you had a wonderful birthday honey.  I love you!

Monday, January 11, 2010

Spud Gun

Steve thought that this was the year to introduce the grandkids to his “spud gun”.  This was a gift from one of his brothers years ago.  Steve has found through trial and error that limes seem to work better than potatoes.  First you put the lime in the barrel and make sure it fits tightly.


Then add five seconds worth of cheap hairspray (propellant)……

IMG_6224IMG_6226 IMG_6220

….twist the sparker and watch it fly!  The limes went several hundred feet, both up and out.  Everybody got in the action.

IMG_6230 IMG_6232 IMG_6240

Cover your ears because it is a bit noisy.  The kids loved trying to find and retrieve the limes.  This was a novelty for everyone to enjoy…..possibly another new tradition for the Christmas holiday, although someone mentioned that they might be illegal in Texas?

Saturday, January 9, 2010

My Mom

We had the privilege, along with my sister, of hosting my mother for most of the month of December.  We had a good time reminiscing about my dad, my grandmother and my growing up days.  Mom is experiencing some memory problems, but still really enjoys being with her family.  Below, Mom at eighteen and eighty-one.

June 18 years004 IMG_6089 picnik texture

We were able to do a little shopping, attend church every week and the Christmas concert, and also looked into moving Mom down to Texas from Iowa in 2010.  We also hosted my brother Scott and his wife Jan for about ten days over Christmas. 

IMG_6138 picnik

My brother Scott and his wife Jan in photo above and me, my Mom, Scott and Jan in various photo combinations below.

IMG_6406 scott jana mom 2 IMG_6407 jana mom

Mom and my sister Kay below.

IMG_6267 picnik

It can be a difficult thing to grow old and my brother, sister and I count it a blessing to partner together to hopefully make my mother’s journey a little easier.  We love you Mom!

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Christmas 2009

Christmas came early to the Crouse house this year as we celebrated with family the weekend before Christmas.  This year was special because we were able the share the season with my mother, brother and my sister-in-law as well.  Following are some photo highlights.

steve jana christmas 09 4x6 Grandkids christmas 09 4x6Hodge Christmas 09 pg1 4x6Hodge Christmas 09 pg2 4x6Hodge Christmas 09 pg3 4x6Alexander Christmas 09 pg1 4x6 Alexander Christmas 09 pg2 4x6 Alexander Christmas 09 pg3 4x6 Hollon Christmas 09 pg1 4x6Hollon Christmas 09 pg2 4x6extended family christmas 09

We not only enjoyed exchanging gifts, but continued our tradition of beginning the day by reading the Christmas story from the Bible.  We have three grandchildren now that can take their turn reading.  One new tradition was the girls and kids wearing coordinating pajamas for the day.  This is a tradition worth repeating…so comfortable!

IMG_6257 ornaments  

We are so thankful for the blessing of family and for a wonderful Christmas together.

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Gift Class Christmas

The Gift Sunday school Christmas party was so fun!  Thanks to the Kreiders for so generously hosting the party.  We all enjoyed delicious food, fellowship and a white elephant gift exchange.

Here’s Wendy giving instructions for the white elephant exchange.IMG_6030 The following photos reflect the variety of gifts offered for exchange….

Some gifts were exchanged numerous times!  Steve and I have enjoyed getting to know the new members and continuing our long-time friendships with the rest.