Monday, January 31, 2011

Upward Basketball

Ty is playing Upward basketball sponsored by our church.  It is such a great outreach to our community and literally hundreds of kids are playing in the league each Saturday in our new church gyms.  There have been a number of kids come to Christ over the season.  Kevin is co-coaching Ty’s team and so far they have been successful.   Here are a few photos of Ty in action.

Ty BB 1-8-2011 (1)

Ty BB 1-8-2011 (2)

Ty BB 1-8-2011 (4)

Ty BB 1-8-2011 (3)

With prayer before the games, an inspirational message at half-time, and an emphasis on sportsmanship and fundamentals, Upward is a great basketball program.  Number 4 keep up the great work and we’ll be there to support you!

Thursday, January 27, 2011

James and the Jumperoo

There are so many new baby items available nowadays.  I am sounding my age I think.  Anyway, the last time we were in Houston visiting the Hollons, James had begun to enjoy his “jumperoo”.  His feet did not quite touch the floor but Melissa had put a pillow under the jumper and he could do a little jumping.  He really enjoys the toys on the jumperoo and being upright instead of on the floor.  Following are a couple of pics of James in his jumperoo at about 3 1/2 months.  (Love that word “jumperoo” can you tell?)

James 1-15-2011 (2)

James 1-15-2011 (6)

We will be going to see James again in February and see what new equipment he has mastered.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Happy Birthday Shauna

Shauna 33 BD blog
Shauna, what an awesome young woman you are.  God has been so faithful in your life as you have trusted him.  Hope you have a wonderful 33rd birthday.  We could not love you more!

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Cotton Bowl 2011

Steve and I attended the Cotton Bowl at Cowboys Stadium in Arlington with the TAMU Aggies taking on LSU.  We had a really fun time but what a disappointing game.  Steve and I agreed “we shall never speak of this game again”.  Seriously, the atmosphere was great and the Aggies were beaten by a very good LSU team.

Cotton Bowl 2011 (9)

Steve arriving at Cowboys Stadium.

Cotton Bowl 2011 (2)

Cotton Bowl 2011 (16) 

An aerial view of the stadium on the very large screen inside.

Cotton Bowl 2011 (14)

Aggies warming up….there was still hope at this time. 

Cotton Bowl 2011 (11)

There was a beautiful sunset view from inside the stadium.

 Cotton Bowl 2011 (8)

Cotton Bowl 2011

The Aggie band always wins the halftime show.

Gig’m Aggies….. Better luck next year. 

Thursday, January 13, 2011

A Family Reunion of Sorts

Steve’s brother Bart was kind enough to plan a family dinner while we were in Iowa. We so enjoyed seeing many relatives and enjoying their company.  Here are a few photos from our dinner.

Donna Crouse and Sons 12-2010 (2)

Sam, Bart, Steve and Matt Crouse with their mother, Donna Crouse.

Mary Delbert Donna 12-2010 (3)

Mary, Delbert and Donna….3 of 4 siblings all in their 80’s.

Crouse Uncles 12-2010

The Crouse brothers with their uncles.

Crouse Aunts 12-2010 

and with their aunts….

Crouse Cousins 12-2010

and with some of their cousins and nephews.

About 25 people were able to gather for dinner.  Next time I hope our daughters can join us when we go to Iowa and maybe we can all gather together for a real family reunion.

Also including a photo of our neices and nephews we enjoyed seeing while in Iowa.Crouse Cousins 12-2010 (2)

Pete, Kaitlyn, Kara, Ben, Kayla and Kurt Crouse.

Kristyn 12-2010 (3)

Our newest neice, Kristyn Anita Crouse.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Snowy Iowa Morning

The Monday after Christmas Steve and I flew up to Iowa to visit his mother and our brothers.  The first morning we were there was a gorgeous, sunny-yet-foggy morning just a couple days after a snow.  It was about 8 degrees and I walked most of the way from Steve’s brother’s home where we were staying to his mother’s house which was maybe a half a mile.  I took photos along the way and also at his “home-place”.
Snowy Iowa Morning 12-2010 (24) Snowy Iowa Morning 12-2010 Snowy Iowa Morning 12-2010 (15) Snowy Iowa Morning 12-2010 (7) Snowy Iowa Morning 12-2010 (4) Snowy Iowa Morning 12-2010 (3)
Steve and his family moved to this farm in 1959 and his mother still lives there.  I am glad I took these photos because the next day it warmed up and melted all the snow.

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Christmas 2010

We had a great day together celebrating Jesus’ birth.  We had a little hiccup with my mom that day (well, maybe more than a hiccup)…..she became ill right after gift-opening.  We had to take her back to Hudson Creek but I think she enjoyed the time she spent before becoming ill.

Before we began opening gifts we always read the Christmas story from Bible.  It is so great now that most of the grandkids can read and take part.  I usually try to get some photos before we begin as well.

 Christmas 2010 (25) edit

All six grandkids at least looking in the vicinity of the camera.

Christmas 2010 (18) edit  

Christmas 2010 (14)Christmas 2010 (35)

Christmas 2010 (36) Christmas 2010 (34) 

 Christmas 2010 (30)Christmas 2010 (31)

As you can see from the photos, another tradition for the ladies and the kids is wearing pajamas all day (at least until church in the evening!)  The girls and I had matching pjs.

We usually begin from youngest to oldest, each opening one gift at a time while the rest watch and enjoy.  Christmas 2010 (45)

The  most fun this year was surprising Steve with an ipad from the girls,their families and I.  Steve and I always say we are not getting each other anything but this year we really surprised him.  I was hoping he would share but so far he loves it so much that I haven’t had the chance to use it much.

We had so much to be thankful for and celebrate this year.  Praise God for the miraculous gift of Jesus!

Friday, January 7, 2011

James at Three Months

James was just turning three months old when he and his family arrived at our house for Christmas.  Following are some photos of our sweet, smiley, wiggly, rolling, short-napping boy.

James 12-23-2010 3mo (49) edit James 12-23-2010 3mo (37) edit crop James 12-23-2010 3mo (26) edit James 12-23-2010 3mo (20) edit James 12-23-2010 3mo (12) edit crop James 12-23-2010 3mo (11) edit 

James, you are a joy to our family and we look forward to what the Lord has in store for your life.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Heather’s Birthday Dinner

We waited, at Heather’s request, until her sisters arrived for Christmas and all (Hodge and Crouse clans) gathered for dinner at Roadhouse followed by cake and ice cream at our house.

Heather 35th BD 12-2010 (9)

Heather opened her gifts and got some really cute clothes and the cutest sparkly Toms….perfect fit for Heather.

Heather 35th BD 12-2010 (5) 

Heather 35th BD 12-2010 (7)

This scarf will match her green winter coat.

Heather 35th BD 12-2010 

We had black forest cupcakes and punch.  This party was followed by several days of Christmas eating and celebration.

Happy 35th Birthday Heather!